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Admission Application

At ILA, my daughter receives an accelerated and individualized education plan, her confidence is back thanks to the attention her teachers give her, but most importantly she is happy.

I am proud to support this school. Everyone, from the parents to the staff all work together to make this school experience a joyful and creative one. Good work teachers and staff!!

Thanks to the great efforts and personal sacrifices of Monsieur Massene and Madame Patricia our community can have this great school to the benefit of all.  Thank you guys!

Although currently attending a different school, both our daughters are taking advantage of ILA's afterschool program. And even their father is now enrolled in the adult evening class! It's a family affair....c'est une affaire de famille! Merci ILA!

At the heart of the school, Monsieur Massene, my daughters are learning on very deep levels the cultural power of stories and tales in addition to the importance of body movement while discovering soccer with a champion!  As an educator, mother, and bilingual person,  I am very excited to recommend this school to others.

Nyamma is really thriving this year and I couldn't be happier. This is a more structured environment than I had her in and I think it suits her much better. I have noticed some big changes in her attitude toward learning. Overall, Nyamma enjoys being at school.

There is so much respect, kindness and positive motivation between the children that attend ILA.  We have been very satisfied with our decision to send our daughter to ILA and we feel very fortunate to have found a place that continually exceeds our expectations.

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